Bell House Garden Renovation
The Project
We've been working with the school leadership team on their requests for funding and assistance on projects to benefit the children in the school.
One of these projects is the renovation of the garden space behind the Bell House and pavilion in the playground to bring in back into use both for teaching opportunities and to give children additional space in the playground.
The first steps to making this project to happen is clearing the space of rubbish and really assess the possibilities of the area. Friends of Halstow have already funded two skips for clearing the space but another will be required to fully clear the area.
How Can I Help?
1. If you can donate your time to help on site we will be looking for help to build benches and garden planters. Dates to be decided
Please BRING YOUR OWN GLOVES and other safety equipment as we have limited items available.
We recommend that if you choose to bring your children then they are able to keep themselves safe and will follow instructions from the grown ups on site as needed. There will be no childcare on site so you will be responsible for your child at all times.
2. If you can donate money to help fund this and other projects then please head over to our donate page
3. If you have any specific skills that may be useful to the project then please email us on friendsofhalstow@gmail.com and we can put you in touch with the team at school. Things like Garden Design, Architectural services, Landscaping and Construction would be particularly useful.
4. If you have any specific contacts that could help then please put us in touch. Do you know a friendly local business? Please get in touch at friendsofhalstow@gmail.com if you know a business which might like to sponsor this project or donate goods. Things like donations of time from builders or a garden centre that will donate topsoil and planting would be great.